The Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School shall be the center of excellence in science and mathematics to create a community of scholars who possess intellectual, scientific, social skills and moral values necessary to mold young citizens of tolerance who shall be globally competitive, with the ability to survive and live harmoniously with others.
As a learning institution in Zamboanga City, FTTS envisions itself as a leading institution in Region IX where the cream among the students shall be trained toward educational enrichment, scientific advancement and national development.
Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School is committed to provide every student the opportunity to obtain an excellent education through mathematics and science-oriented curriculum designed to develop higher order thinking skills to facilitate the understanding and application of scientific theories and principles in daily activities in and out of the classroom.
The FTTS motivates learners to discover and develop their potentials, talents and abilities to make them proactive citizens for our nation’s progress and to develop well-disciplined individuals who internalize moral values to be desirable members of the global society.